Abha Prayer Time
This accurate and up-to-date prayer times help you offer salat in Abha punctually. For a clearer overview of the prayer schedule in Abha, please see the table below.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Dec 18 | 5:15 AM | 6:36 AM | 12:07 PM | 3:16 PM | 5:38 PM | 7:08 PM |
Weekly Prayer Time Abha
An accurate prayer times weekly calendar is essential to offer daily salat on time. By knowing salat times in advance for whole week, you can fulfill your religious obligations without disrupting your daily routine. Below is a 7 days schedule to help you stay on track with your prayers for the next seven days.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Dec 18 | 5:15 AM | 6:36 AM | 12:07 PM | 3:16 PM | 5:38 PM | 7:08 PM |
Dec 19 | 5:16 AM | 6:36 AM | 12:07 PM | 3:16 PM | 5:38 PM | 7:08 PM |
Dec 20 | 5:16 AM | 6:37 AM | 12:08 PM | 3:17 PM | 5:39 PM | 7:09 PM |
Dec 21 | 5:17 AM | 6:37 AM | 12:08 PM | 3:17 PM | 5:39 PM | 7:09 PM |
Dec 22 | 5:17 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:09 PM | 3:18 PM | 5:40 PM | 7:10 PM |
Dec 23 | 5:18 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:09 PM | 3:18 PM | 5:40 PM | 7:10 PM |
Dec 24 | 5:18 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:10 PM | 3:19 PM | 5:41 PM | 7:11 PM |
Salah Times Abha for the Month
Stay updated with daily prayers throughout the month. The table below provides precise prayer timings for each day, ensuring you never miss a prayer and maintain your spiritual routine with ease.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Dec 18 | 5:15 AM | 6:36 AM | 12:07 PM | 3:16 PM | 5:38 PM | 7:08 PM |
Dec 19 | 5:16 AM | 6:36 AM | 12:07 PM | 3:16 PM | 5:38 PM | 7:08 PM |
Dec 20 | 5:16 AM | 6:37 AM | 12:08 PM | 3:17 PM | 5:39 PM | 7:09 PM |
Dec 21 | 5:17 AM | 6:37 AM | 12:08 PM | 3:17 PM | 5:39 PM | 7:09 PM |
Dec 22 | 5:17 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:09 PM | 3:18 PM | 5:40 PM | 7:10 PM |
Dec 23 | 5:18 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:09 PM | 3:18 PM | 5:40 PM | 7:10 PM |
Dec 24 | 5:18 AM | 6:38 AM | 12:10 PM | 3:19 PM | 5:41 PM | 7:11 PM |
Dec 25 | 5:19 AM | 6:39 AM | 12:10 PM | 3:19 PM | 5:42 PM | 7:12 PM |
Dec 26 | 5:19 AM | 6:39 AM | 12:11 PM | 3:20 PM | 5:42 PM | 7:12 PM |
Dec 27 | 5:20 AM | 6:40 AM | 12:11 PM | 3:20 PM | 5:43 PM | 7:13 PM |
Dec 28 | 5:20 AM | 6:40 AM | 12:12 PM | 3:21 PM | 5:43 PM | 7:13 PM |
Dec 29 | 5:21 AM | 6:41 AM | 12:12 PM | 3:21 PM | 5:44 PM | 7:14 PM |
Dec 30 | 5:21 AM | 6:41 AM | 12:13 PM | 3:22 PM | 5:44 PM | 7:14 PM |
Dec 31 | 5:21 AM | 6:41 AM | 12:13 PM | 3:22 PM | 5:45 PM | 7:15 PM |
Jan 01 | 5:22 AM | 6:42 AM | 12:14 PM | 3:23 PM | 5:46 PM | 7:16 PM |
Jan 02 | 5:22 AM | 6:42 AM | 12:14 PM | 3:24 PM | 5:46 PM | 7:16 PM |
Jan 03 | 5:23 AM | 6:42 AM | 12:15 PM | 3:24 PM | 5:47 PM | 7:17 PM |
Jan 04 | 5:23 AM | 6:43 AM | 12:15 PM | 3:25 PM | 5:47 PM | 7:17 PM |
Jan 05 | 5:23 AM | 6:43 AM | 12:15 PM | 3:25 PM | 5:48 PM | 7:18 PM |
Jan 06 | 5:24 AM | 6:43 AM | 12:16 PM | 3:26 PM | 5:49 PM | 7:19 PM |
Jan 07 | 5:24 AM | 6:43 AM | 12:16 PM | 3:26 PM | 5:49 PM | 7:19 PM |
Jan 08 | 5:24 AM | 6:44 AM | 12:17 PM | 3:27 PM | 5:50 PM | 7:20 PM |
Jan 09 | 5:25 AM | 6:44 AM | 12:17 PM | 3:28 PM | 5:50 PM | 7:20 PM |
Jan 10 | 5:25 AM | 6:44 AM | 12:18 PM | 3:28 PM | 5:51 PM | 7:21 PM |
Jan 11 | 5:25 AM | 6:44 AM | 12:18 PM | 3:29 PM | 5:52 PM | 7:22 PM |
Jan 12 | 5:25 AM | 6:44 AM | 12:18 PM | 3:29 PM | 5:52 PM | 7:22 PM |
Jan 13 | 5:26 AM | 6:45 AM | 12:19 PM | 3:30 PM | 5:53 PM | 7:23 PM |
Jan 14 | 5:26 AM | 6:45 AM | 12:19 PM | 3:31 PM | 5:54 PM | 7:24 PM |
Jan 15 | 5:26 AM | 6:45 AM | 12:19 PM | 3:31 PM | 5:54 PM | 7:24 PM |
How Abha Prayer Times Are Calculated
Abha prayer times are calculated based on the sun’s position at different times of the day. Fajr time in Abha begins when the first light of the sun appears on the horizon before sunrise. Zuhr time starts when the sun passes its zenith, while Asr prayer time begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its length.
Maghrib prayer time starts when the sun disappears below the horizon, and Isha prayer time starts when twilight fades completely. Keep in mind, local prayer times in Abha may vary slightly due to geographical location and the prayer method of calculation used. So, it’s important to follow the local prayer times where you’re offering prayer in Abha.
Seasonal Changes in Prayer Times in Abha
In Abha, prayer times can vary significantly with the seasons due to its mountainous location. During summer, days are longer, shifting Fajr and Isha prayers to earlier and later times, respectively. Conversely, winter brings shorter days, resulting in closer prayer intervals.
These fluctuations in times are essential for residents to consider when planning daily activities, ensuring timely prayers. Understanding these seasonal changes in Abha’s prayer times enhances spiritual practices and keeps the community in harmony with the natural rhythm of time.
Major Mosques in Abha
King Faisal Mosque in Abha
Facilities at King Faisal Mosque in Abha:
- A large prayer hall accommodating a significant number of worshippers, with designated areas for men and women.
- Fully air-conditioned, providing a comfortable atmosphere for worshippers throughout the year in the hot climate of Abha.
- A large parking area ensures convenient access for those attending prayers.
- Clean, well-maintained wudu facilities with a reliable water supply to meet the needs of worshippers.
- A small library within the mosque houses copies of the Holy Quran, along with a selection of Islamic books and literature for study and reflection.
Google Map Location: King Faisal Mosque
Eid Grand Masjid
Facilities at Eid Grand Masjid in Abha:
- A spacious prayer hall capable of accommodating a large number of worshippers, with separate sections designated for men and women.
- Fully air-conditioned mosque, ensuring a comfortable environment for prayers, especially during the hot summer months.
- A large parking facility providing easy and convenient access for worshippers attending services.
- Modern, well-maintained wudu areas with an abundant water supply, catering to the needs of worshippers for religious purification.
Google Map Location: Eid Grand Masjid
Lebanon Grand Mosque
Facilities at Lebanon Grand Mosque in Abha:
- A vast prayer hall, thoughtfully divided to serve both men and women.
- The entire space is air-conditioned, ensuring a cool and peaceful environment for worshippers.
- Visitors benefit from a large parking area, making access convenient and hassle-free.
- The wudu facilities are meticulously maintained, with an abundant water supply for purification.
- A small library is available, stocked with the Holy Quran and a range of Islamic literature, offering a quiet space for study and contemplation.
Floh Wahaibi Mosque
Facilities at Floh Wahaibi Mosque in Abha:
- A spacious prayer hall with designated areas for men and women.
- Fully air-conditioned, providing a serene atmosphere for worship.
- Large parking is available, ensuring easy access for all visitors.
- The mosque’s wudu facilities are kept clean and offer plenty of water for ablution.
Dua and Supplications
Reciting Duas (supplications) during or after prayers is an important part of worship, allowing believers to connect deeply with Allah. These heartfelt invocations seek guidance, forgiveness, and blessings, making them an essential part of daily worship.
From the simple yet powerful “Astaghfirullah” for seeking forgiveness to the comprehensive “Rabbana atina fid-dunya” for asking for goodness in this world and the hereafter. These common Duas enrich the spiritual experience and fortify the bond between the worshiper and the Creator.
Tips for Visitors to Abha for Prayer Time
- Plan Your Schedule: Abha follows the local prayer times, which can be checked on various Islamic apps or websites like Salatalert.com. Plan your visit to ensure you arrive at mosques before prayer times.
- Respect Local Customs: Dress modestly and follow local etiquette when visiting mosques in Abha or any other part of Saudi Arabia. It’s important to observe silence and maintain cleanliness.
- Arrive Early: Popular mosques in Abha can get busy, especially during prayer times. Arriving early ensures you get a good spot and avoid the rush.
- Check Mosque Locations: Familiarize yourself with the locations of key mosques like King Faisal Mosque and Eid Grand Masjid to streamline your visit.
- Stay Hydrated: Abha can be warm, so drink plenty of water before you head to the mosque to stay comfortable during your visit.
Abha’s unique geographical location causes significant seasonal variations in prayer timings, making it important for residents and visitors to stay informed. If you’re looking for a local masjid in Abha, there are many major mosques like King Faisal Mosque and Floh Wahaibi Mosque that offer convenient facilities to accommodate worshippers, ensuring a comfortable environment for prayer.
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